Content marketing strategy for Startup

August 12, 2021

Content marketing strategy for Startup

Worried about marketing content? We guide you how to do #contentmarketing in strategic way by the chart below.

  1. Set #SMART goals: The first step of content marketing strategy is to set SMART goals. These goals complement your broader marketing and company goals. #Specific – Do set real numbers. #Measurable – Do make the goals that are trackable. #Attainable – Do set a goal that is challenging but possible. #Realistic – Do be honest and realistic concerning capability. #Time-bound – Do give yourself a deadline.

  2. Determine your #KPIs: Next, set key performance indicators (KPIs) for your SMART goals. You can use KPIs to measure performance against your goal.

  3. Choose your content #channels: Choose the type of content you will create. To decide content type, start by thinking about your target audience and buyer personas.

  4. Decide on the #type of content: After deciding on the type of content you’ll market with, choosing specific content channels is important. Where will you share your content?

  5. Set a #budget: Now, set your budget. Think about the type of content you’re creating, tools you need and any profession you require.

  6. Create and distribute the content

  7. #Analyze and measure results: Look back your #SMART goals and #KPIs to determine the success of your content marketing strategy.

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