5 Movies That Inspired Metaverse
Tron, represented an early glimpse into the vision for how computers could create a Metaverse. It represented an early notion of what an immersive “cyberspace”. Tron also does an interesting job of showcasing how human/AI interaction could be a feature of a Metaverse environment.
Matrix, introduces the concepts of downloaded consciousness, digital constructs, and showcases how avatars empower personal expression which can vary within digital environments. The movie explores the philosophical nature of building a utopian environment.
Ready Player One, most recent example of what many modern visions of the Metaverse looks like. Immersive, persistent digital worlds filled with users from all over the physical world. Users are presented with an infinite number of opportunities within this digital contract including, education, work, and play.
Inception, is useful in understanding the worldbuilding capabilities we aspire to incorporate in a Metaverse. The characters that infiltrate dreams are able to create unique constructs as prop settings for shared experiences.
The Terminator, shows issues of morality in determining what constitutes sentience and whether AI has a right to freedoms. We may also need to build natural constraints that prevent baseline sentience to prevent future forecasted in The Terminator.

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