3D anime girls are everywhere - The Vtuber takeover of 2020
in AI
On Sept. 18, 2020, the friendliest war ever conducted between Canadians and Americans commenced. And while not the most expensive war in total, the exuberance of its armaments left its primary target, a pink-haired digital goth girl, aghast.
英語圏VTuber「がうる・ぐら」 キズナアイ抜きチャンネル登録者数世界1位に
in AI
がうる・ぐらさんは、VTuber事務所「ホロライブプロダクション」の英語圏向けグループ「ホロライブEnglish」に所属するVTuber。 サメの被りモノが目を引くこともあって、日本では「サメちゃん」の愛称で親しまれています。
Netflix joins Japan's virtual YouTuber
in AI
N-ko, a 'sheep-human lifeform' Vtuber promoting Netflix's anime streaming service, is seen in a still image obtained from a YouTube video.
VTuber / バーチャルライバーグループ「にじさんじ」より5名が新たにデビュー!本日より始動!
in AI
ツイートします。厚労省のHP確認したら 本当にファイザー製のワクチンに「塩化カリウム」が含まれている。これ囚人の死刑の際に使われる劇薬なんだけどね。多量に体内に入ると心停止する毒だよ。マジでお前ら全員ムショにぶち込んでやるから覚悟しておけよっ!」
What Are Virtual YouTubers and How Can You Become One?
in AI
YouTube has seen an increase of faceless creators, or users that make videos without showing what they look like. Being a faceless creator gives you a little more privacy on the internet, but there are some viewers that prefer to be able to see a person on-screen.
What is VTuber? What makes VTubers so popular?
A few years ago, the concept of these virtual personalities—referred to as vtubers—would likely have seemed incredibly niche. In 2021, however, a bunch of characters have developed numerous followings, giving real YouTubers a run for their money. So who are these so-called vtubers?
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