Top 3 NFT Ecosystems to choose from
Below is an overview of what you need to get started buying NFT art and collectibles on the leading blockchains, or ecosystems. Even though we don’t need to concern ourselves with the underlying block...
Below is an overview of what you need to get started buying NFT art and collectibles on the leading blockchains, or ecosystems. Even though we don’t need to concern ourselves with the underlying block...
2022年元旦,加密貨幣圈出現了驚天動地的大消息,亞洲流行音樂天王周杰倫旗下潮牌PHANTACi選在這一天與平台Ezek共同推出NFT(非同質化代幣)「Phanta Bear」(幻想熊)。周杰倫的潮牌「PHANTACi」與Ezek聯名推出名叫「Phanta Bear」的NFT,全球限量1萬個,周董和愛妻昆凌搶先收到一幅「心血結晶」,馬上po在IG Story,開心寫著:「哥收到的第一個特別禮物」。...
2021 Has Been the Year of the NFT On Nov 4th 2021, Collins Dictionary has chosen NFT as its “Word of the Year” after surging interest in the digital tokens brought it into the mainstream. ...
AMA What is AMA exactly? The concept gained popularity on Reddit under the brands AMA or ASK ME ANYTHING, which are trademarks owned by Reddit, and was later adopted by mainstream social networks as a...
Google Cloud Text-to-Speech Text-to-Speech technology is now at a level where it can be used to replace human voice in applications. As now Google Cloud Text-to-Speech can convert text or Speech Synth...
Text-to-Speech, also known as TTS, is a trending assistive technology changing people’s lives. Text-to-Speech means that text (a letter, a number, word, phrase sentence, or entire page) is voice...
如果一項技術已經在使用,它的新興程度如何。我們經常將人工智能和機器學習視為將改變世界的未來事物。看看我們的電視體驗。 我在 3 個電影片道中長大。我們的第一台電視機是黑白的。我們的第二台電視機是彩色電視機,我們為此感到非常自豪,我仍然記得它。長期以來,我們對節目的訪問僅限於 3 個政府頻道。而且電視機沒有遙控器。 今天,當你登錄你的 Netflix 帳戶時,我可以訪問與我之前觀看的節目相關的節目,...
在娛樂的世界裡,每一天都呈現出無限的可能性。電視不僅是另一種娛樂來源,而且是一個完整的包裝。一個採用最新技術並與我們的生活方式相得益彰的套餐。不久前,一個智能生活時代開始了,正是人工智能新技術在市場上引起了不小的轟動。特別是具有語音集成技術的內置人工智能似乎是此預算內的最佳選擇。LG UK6360 智能電視和 LG UK6560 智能電視均以其創新的 Smart ThinQ AI 電視系列與傳統同...
人工智能技術 什麼是人工智能?人工智能是計算機科學的一個分支,它試圖理解智能的本質,並產生一種以類似於人類智能的方式做出反應的新型智能機器。人工智能可以模擬人類意識和思維的訊息過程。 人工智能電視等科技產品現在已經具備語言識別、自然語言處理和多設備互聯的能力,以提供更好的使用者體驗。 TCL AI電視內置 Google Assistant 和 Alexa,為你的家庭生活提供人工智能解決方案。你只需...
AI considers as the biggest revolution of the decade, as it has created huge waves in the field of technology. At this time, AI news anchors may shape out the future of news broadcast and journalism. ...